I've finally had time to update with some pictures of what I have finished recently. I have several other FO's, but they need some finishing touches before they can make their appearance here on the blog.
First off, we have what I knitted for my Italian project. We had to take something we like, make it Italian related, and write a paper on it. That was easy enough for me! I knew it had to be knitting related! And since, knitting for babies is very popular in Italy, I made this...
There isn't a pattern for any part of it. I just made it up one morning as I went. I knitted a little "dishcloth" to represent a small baby blanket, a hat, and a pair of booties.
Also, I made myself a sweater dress.
I am actually pleased with the final outcome. When I first made this dress, it was way too big. So, right before I was ready to CO I frogged it back all the way to under the arms and tore out the extra stitches that it said to add for the underarms.
It turns out that it was still a bit too big, and I didn't want to frog it again. It looks okay with a belt, but I think if I have time (or when my Nana comes back!) we'll take in the sides and make a seam so it will fit better.
I used Juliet Romeo Juliet's pattern for her "Simplest Sweater" which I found on Ravelry. I really liked the pattern. It was very easy to follow, which was awesome since this was the first garment (other than a hat or beret) that I knitted in the round. The only things I did differently were knitting it longer to make it a dress and keeping the sleeves short. I did like this pattern a lot, and if I were to make another dress from it, I would be sure make less increases so it will fit better.
Hopefully, I will update again soon.
Until next time....
That dress is awesome! Wow. First one you knit in the round? That's impressive!