Remember this dress from a few months ago?
Well, I made this shrug to go along with it.
I love the shrug! It was a super quick knit and perfect for the dress. I love the texture that the Rich Man's Garter stitch gives to the sleeves. It really "dresses up" the stocking st pattern. Plus, I finished it over the weekend, so it really didn't take much time at all. The pattern is called "Vinni" and you can find it here.
But, you can't just give one knitted gift at a shower. You have to knit some more things, right? Well, I sure did.
I made this little adorable hat.
I love the texture that the purl rows gave to it. You can find the pattern for the "Purl Stripes Baby Hat" here.
Then, I used The Dishcloth Turned Bib pattern again and made two bibs to give as well.
Come to think of it, I made a headband to match the dress but I forgot to take a picture and I forgot to wrap it with the dress. Oops! I'll have to blog about that next time.
Although, when I knitted these, my mojo slowly began to come back. Plus, it just so happens that a friend of mine asked if I could knit four dishcloths for someone. She said that this person wanted fall colors, and it just so happens that I have a good anount of fall tones in my stash right now, so this is what I came up with.
So, lastly, that leads me to what is on my needles. Currently, I have two projects on the needles, but I just don't feel like working on either one. I'm working on another potato chip scarf and an infinity scarf, but for some reason I just get so tired of working on scarves. I think I'll try to start something else tonight, but I'm not sure what yet.
Until next time...